Thursday 3 February 2011

Thursday 3rd February

We woke to another beautiful day.  After breakfast at The Cannery we walked towards the tram stop but were diverted into a camera/phone shop. We had brought a lead with us that we thought would charge the phone through a USB connector but when we got here we realised that it was the down load cable!  (Idiots!!!)  Phone was desperate for a charge and we had asked at the Hotel Reception if they had a charger, they gave us a huge box of cables left behind by guests to look through but none were compatible.  We bought a travel charger and although that wasn't too expensive Ian bought a wide angle/macro adaptor for his camera!!! ( The lens that had fallen out of the bag yesterday appears to be OK today although having a few issues on automatic focussing)  The people in the camera shop couldn't have been more helpful and even offered to put our phone on charge while we were around the town.  We declined the offer as we were worried that we might forget to call for it before leaving for the airport.  We caught the San Francisco Tram up to Nob Hill.  Sitting facing out was quite something.  Only disappointed that we didn’t need to hang on!!  Ian can't work out how the cable, that the trams clamp onto, is driven, goes round corners, across other tram tracks and through points, over steep hills for a mile or two. 

From there we walked back down to the bay.  I say down, but at times we had to walk up hill and then down again.  Some streets had steps on just so that you could manage.  At one street we watched a young lady run the whole way up the flight of stairs, some feat.

Linda says that she is walking around with a big grin on her face as she is so happy in the sunshine.

We stood at the bottom of one section of Lombard Street, which is the crookedest street in the world, and stopped to take photos and videos of the cars coming down.  We saw some wild parrots.  Apparently many years ago some had been let loose and they have bred.

Back at The Wharf we went to Pier 39 where we watched a Californian Brown Pelican swooping around above us.  After that Linda tried on some Harry Mason earrings that have no backs and you have to twist them into the ears, they were very elegant but very expensive.  Decided not to buy them so went and had coffee/clam chowder while we watched the sea lions.

We walked back along the wharf and stopped to watch the girl moulding the sour dough bread into animal shapes in the famous Sour Dough Factory.

Further along we sat and watched the sea, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and wishing that Spring in England could be so warm.

Back to the hotel to retrieve our baggage and then board the shuttle bus to the airport.  Sitting in the departure lounge at 6.10pm (SF time) waiting for our Air New Zealand flight to board.

There should be a glass of champagne waiting for us when we board, as there was on the Virgin Atlantic flight.

Will add photos when we get to New Zealand

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