Sunday 6 February 2011

Sunday 6th February

Many apologies to those of you who read our blog that it finished abruptly yesterday.
We had a limit on our upload and the photos were in too high a resolution so we were timed out.
Ian has reduced the resolution and we are trying again. 
We have finished off yesterday’s so there may be more for you to read and see.

We had a 6.15am wake up call this morning.  Breakfast was at 7am and we were in the coach leaving the hotel by 7.45 am.

This was lovely as it meant that we missed all of the commuter traffic. 
We crossed Auckland Harbour Bridge which had been originally built as a four lane bridge.  When the traffic became too much the Government put it out to tender for someone to increase it to an eight lane bridge.  A Japanese firm won the contract and they constructed the extra four lanes in Japan and then shipped them over.  The design was such that they clipped the four lanes, tow on either side on to the original bridge.  With typical NZ humour the locals call it the Nippon Clip-on.

After a brief coffee stop we drove to Kawakawa to look at their toilets!  Yes you read that correctly.  An Austrian Architect had designed them, the local students made the tiles etc, and they have become a tourist attraction.

The plan had been to have a snack lunch in Kawakawa but many of the small eating places were closed because it is 151 years ago today that the Waitangi Treaty was signed.  It is a holiday weekend and thousands of Maoris descend on the Bay of Islands to celebrate the signing. 

 It was decided to drive on to Paihia early.  By arriving early it gave us time to look around this lovely little township before catching our boat to go Dolphin Watching, Visit the Hole in the Rock and then visit one of the Islands.  The dolphin watching was successful and we saw many dolphins playing around the boat in the region of Moturoa Island.  From there we visited the famous Hole in the Rock and as the weather conditions were favourable we were able to sail right through it.

  From there we went to Urupukapuka where we disembarked and were able to have a beer at the cafĂ© before going for a walk along a wonderful beach.  Ian took lots of photos of strange looking trees and Linda managed a paddle in the beautifully clear water which was very warm.

Back to Paihia to be greeted by the rep and driven to our hotel.   On leaving the boat we wsaw them wiehing a Marlin,96.4kg.

We had to go on quite a long diversion as the Waitangi Reservation was closed to motorised vehicles.
The Hotel is absolutely gorgeous.  The room opens out onto a patio and there are beautiful gardens to sit and enjoy.  This is very much the “holiday” part of the tour as tomorrow is a free day although we have decided to join a tour to drive up 90 mile beach to the most northerly point of New Zealand.  The weather has been fantastic and it looks set for another glorious day again tomorrow.  Apparently this is such an improvement as they have been having torrential rain and lots of land slips.
Dinner was a buffet style meal and it was delicious.
Must have an early night as we are leaving the hotel at 7-30 am for the tour!!!!!  Who said that holidays are restful?

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