Monday 28 February 2011

Monday 28th February

Where has February gone?  It doesn’t seem two minutes since we were getting ready to fly to San Francisco and tomorrow we will fly to Hong Kong on our journey home.

We had an idle morning, no alarm and no rush to get out of the motel.  Linda hung the clothes on the garden airer that she had ironed last night, to finish drying as it was such a lovely morning. We drove in towards Timaru and found a little coffee shop that served a very good breakfast.  We then walked into the centre and went to the Library to upload the blog, check on our flights and see if we had heard anything about the hire car, No news from Saga so we phoned and they have arranged for us to deliver the car to the airport before 5.30 pm tomorrow.  We walked through the shops back towards the car and as we did so it started to rain!!  We drove back to the motel and thankfully the clothes weren’t too bad as they were mostly Ian’s shirts that can’t be tumble dried! 
Had a coffee and decided to drive up the coast a short way to a headland just north of Caroline Bay.  Initially we followed a road out to the shore that ran up to the abattoir!  We quickly turned round and found another road where we could park to walk onto the cliffs and look at The Dashing Rocks (they look as though they have been tessellated). 


We carried on walking around the headland and watched the waves pounding onto a small outcrop of rocks.  It was like watching a fireworks display!

We called back into the lodge and ate our lunch in comfort before driving down the south of Timaru to Patiti Point.  The beach was very stony and the stones were perfect skimming stones, perfectly flat and almost perfectly round.  The beach appeared very grey but on closer inspection many were green, white, brown and all colours in between!  There was a great deal of driftwood on the beach and we had fun looking at the shapes that the wood had been sculptured into.

Having exhausted Patita Point we drove further south and visited Scarborough (yes we are in New Zealand).   This was a small cove with about half a dozen houses.  To reach the beach we had to walk across the railway line. 

We fancied an ice cream so drove back to Timaru but we could not find a shop selling soft ice cream.  Neither were there any souvenir shops so there was no opportunity for the last minute shopping that we had planned for Christchurch.  Timaru is supposed to be one of the holiday spots for New Zealanders! 
Having returned to the Lodge to start to sort out the cases we decided to eat at the same Café/Bar that we had used last night.  Ian was asked by the waitress whether he wanted his meal with or without “Fijis”; after some to-ing and fro-ing, we realised this was the NZ pronunciation for “veggies”.  We met a lovely couple from Toronto who had just arrived from Adelaide.  They were supposed to have been ringing the bells at Christchurch Cathedral but obviously that part of their trip did not happen.

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