Monday 31 January 2011

Monday 31st January

The car firm phoned last night to say that they were unhappy with the pick up time of 0630hrs as they were worried about the M25.  Changed the pick up time to 0545hrs!!
Ian and I were up at 0450hrs and Ted ad Mya both got up to see us off.  Hope that they don't suffer from lack of sleep!
We left Bicester at 0550hrs and were in the Terminal at heathrow at 0705hrs.  We had checked in on line and actually could have done a bag drop up to 1000hrs.  Oh well it was better to be there that stuck in traffic.
The flight left on time and the captain informed us that the flight time would be 10 and a half hours and not the 11 and a quarter hours that we were expecting.  Hooray!
The flight was good although we did have some turbulence over the Rockies.  Totally recommend the Premium Economy seats.  So much more leg room than usual and the seats were a lot wider.  I managed to watch Eats, Prays and Loves with Julia Roberts, a real chick flick!  
We were in the hotel in our room before 1600hrs (San Francisco Time) and after having a shower we went for a walk down on to the wharf.  It is like an American Blackpool! 
Now trying to keep awake as although it is now 0300hrs UK time and we have been up 22 hours it is only 1900hrs Sa Francisco Time.
Don't want to go to bed yet as we are trying to adjust.
Looking forward to our trip to Alcatraz tomorrow.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Saturday 22nd January.

This time next week the car will be packed for our journey down to Bicester. I can't get my head around where we are going and for how long?  Is this really us?
So much to do this week, including having Mya and Ted to stay from Monday to Thursday and Bryony and Joe coming overnight on Friday!
Going to see Mum and Dad tomorrow.
Tickets have arrived, money has arrived passports checked and packed with tickets. 

Friday 7 January 2011

Friday 7th January 2011

Getting very excited.  Into count down mode.
Thermals bought for San Francisco.
Excess Insurance for car hire sorted.
This is only to test the site.  Will start blogging when we reach San Francisco.